EMSC Earthquakes
LastQuake is a free, mobile application dedicated to alerting populations and gathering testimonies in real-time when an earthquake occurs. Designed by seismologists, LastQuake is the official app of the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). Thanks to the participative action of its users, only a few minutes are needed for the EMSC to estimate earthquake effects and notify the population.[LastQuake is an ad-free app!]╍ KEY FEATURES ╍∘ Real-time information and data∘ Customizable notifications (destructive earthquakes, earthquakes near you)∘ Access to comments, photos, and videos by eyewitnesses∘ Information-sharing via social media∘ SMS service to notify loved ones when in the area impacted by an earthquake∘ Post-earthquake safety tips╍ WHATS NEW ╍ ∘ Interactive felt map∘ Customizable notification test∘ Earthquake notification through voice synthesizer ∘ Copy-paste available for comments∘ Minor bugs fixed∘ New languages available: Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech╍ COMMITMENT TO POPULATIONS AFFECTED BY EARTHQUAKES ╍Information and communication are cornerstones in preventing risky behaviors. EMSC contributes to the reduction of seismic risk by providing you with:∘ real-time information∘ post-earthquake safety tips∘ SMS service that allows victims to notify their loved ones.╍ AN INNOVATIVE EARTHQUAKE DETECTION METHOD ╍EMSC detects earthquakes using:∘ Earthquake witnesses, who are the first to feel an earthquake, hence the first informed that an event is happening.∘ Internet and mobile technologies, which allow rapid information collection of the effects observed by witnesses, who are asked to fill in a questionnaire and share photos and videos.Want to learn more about our detection system? Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCaHFxhZ5E╍ YOUR INVOLVEMENT MATTERS ╍LastQuake is a citizen science project. Your contribution helps refine our understanding of earthquake effects while fostering our support in disaster preparation and response.╍ WHAT IS EMSC? ╍EMSC is an international non-profit scientific NGO founded in 1975. Based in France, EMSC federates data from the seismological observatories of 86 institutes from 57 countries. While operating a real-time earthquake information service, EMSC advocates for public participation in scientific research. Its core product, LastQuake, paves the way for innovative approaches to building more disaster-resilient communities, making EMSC among the pioneers of disaster apps dedicated to earthquakes and tsunamis.minor bug fixed